Birth date: 28/09/77
What is your marital status? Married.
Role in the Taranaki team? Opening Bat / Captain
What song playing from Mustard Terrace gets you up the most in the heat of battle? C if for Cruiky.
What is your beverage of choice? Cafferys Irish Ale or Guiness.
Who was your Hero while you were at school? Primary School it was Ravishin Rick Rude from the WWF. High School it was Michael Slater.
What is your greatest achievement in cricket? Winning the Sussex Cup at Hover in 1996 and winning the Hawke Cup in 2007.
What is your greatest achievement outside of cricket? I won pass the parcel at the Mangorei School Christmas Party sometime in the eighties.
Most memorable game you have been involved in? 1997 Two day Final.
What is your greatest Mustard moment? Anytime Grunta dances nude.
Dead or alive, who are the 3 people you would most like to have dinner with? Bill Clinton, Ewan McGregor and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Which Mustardo would you have replace you in the team? Mustardo Joe Dravitzki.
Which Taranaki star should would make the best Mustardo? Andrew Mason.
What would be your dream job if you were not a cricketing star? Pro Skiier.
What is your signature Century/Hat-Trick celebratory Move or Dance? Gorilla grabbing a banana.
What is your marital status? Married.
Role in the Taranaki team? Opening Bat / Captain
What song playing from Mustard Terrace gets you up the most in the heat of battle? C if for Cruiky.
What is your beverage of choice? Cafferys Irish Ale or Guiness.
Who was your Hero while you were at school? Primary School it was Ravishin Rick Rude from the WWF. High School it was Michael Slater.
What is your greatest achievement in cricket? Winning the Sussex Cup at Hover in 1996 and winning the Hawke Cup in 2007.
What is your greatest achievement outside of cricket? I won pass the parcel at the Mangorei School Christmas Party sometime in the eighties.
Most memorable game you have been involved in? 1997 Two day Final.
What is your greatest Mustard moment? Anytime Grunta dances nude.
Dead or alive, who are the 3 people you would most like to have dinner with? Bill Clinton, Ewan McGregor and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Which Mustardo would you have replace you in the team? Mustardo Joe Dravitzki.
Which Taranaki star should would make the best Mustardo? Andrew Mason.
What would be your dream job if you were not a cricketing star? Pro Skiier.
What is your signature Century/Hat-Trick celebratory Move or Dance? Gorilla grabbing a banana.
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