When did you become a Mustardo? The first mustard trip to Hamilton...the "originals"
Who is your favourite Taranaki player? Hmmm thats a toughy - Crucky because he is a man whore
What is your role in the Mustardos? The responsible mustardo - have to make sure everyone is behaving and I usually draw the short straw and have to sober drive, thanks mustards!!
What is your favourite Mustard track? Perfect day. It's always a perfect day being a mustard!What act from a player on the field gets you up the most in the heat of battle? When ever a Naki player acknowledges the mustards...that usually gets the boys fired up!
What is your beverage of choice? A nice glass of champagne usually goes down well in the morning but I wouldn’t go past a cold beer!
Who was your Hero while you were at school? Since I’m a soccer player at heart I would have to say David Beckham cause he scored a goal from halfway...Amazing!!
What is your greatest Mustard moment? I would say the Naki team winning the Hawke cup but unfortunately i wasn't there when they did! For the times I have been there, I would definitely have to say anytime Grunter has his top off drinking bourbon straight from the bottle and singing, I haven’t experienced the naked fat mustard yet but I’m sure my time will come soon enough!
Dead or alive, who are the 3 people you would most like to have dinner with? Sophie from shortland street...shes a babe. Becks cause he is the man! Richard hadlee cause I wana ask him how to bowl straight.
Which Taranaki star would make the best Mustardo? Whoppa cause he loves the piss!
What is your record funnel amount in a day on Mustard Terrace? Can't remember this one...I prefer the shotguns after every run scored, they go down a treat!
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